
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. Rei which means God's Wisdom or Higher Power and Ki which means Life Force Energy. Therefore, Reiki means spiritually guided life force energy. There is an understanding that we all have energy flowing through us and around us. Reiki is the process of balancing this energy allowing the flow to be harmonious which results in a natural and safe way of healing.

Reiki can be utilized for many different benefits. It may be for a medical illness, minor aches and pains, prior to surgery to release what is causing the block in particular area, fertility issues, reduce stress, emotional healing and much more.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.

Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them. One never need worry about whether to receive Reiki or not. It is always helpful.

Reiki can be given to all living things ~ pets, plants, children, and also as distance Reiki without the subject being present.